Sync your music on hit TV shows

Get your music into the hottest TV shows on ESPN, HBO, Adult Swim and more. Reach new fans and earn money when your song is licensed.

How to get your music on TV:




SELECT Yourself

Browse Exclusives

Get Synced

Sign up for UnitedMasters SELECT and create your artist profile to start distributing music.

Once your songs are on streaming platforms, browse sync opportunities in the "Exclusives" tab of the app.

Submit your track(s) for consideration and check your email for important updates from our Sync Licensing team.

Sync licensing broadens artist exposure, leading to greater fan discovery and increased revenue through media placements.

What are the benefits of Sync Licensing for TV?

Featured music in high-profile media can boost artists' recognition and open doors to future opportunities.

Sync licensing has become a popular and lucrative way for artists to get their music heard and increase their exposure. Sync licensing involves the use of music in combination with visual media, such as TV shows, films, commercials, and video games. There are many benefits of sync licensing that can help artists take their careers to the next level.

Sync licensing offers artists a reliable income source for the use of their music used in different types of media.

UnitedMasters offers independent artists prime opportunities to sync their music in TV shows and sports programming with its extensive partner network, including ESPN, the NBA, and the NFL.

From Your SmartphoneTo Your TV Screen

Tap into the power of music on television. Submit your tracks for exclusive sync placements on memorable soundtracks and engaging TV experiences.

Reach 200 Million+ NBA Fans

Submit your music to the NBA through UnitedMasters for more exposure and a chance to be featured in highlights on @NBA social channels, NBA TV, and

Get Your Music on ESPN

UnitedMasters and ESPN are looking for new sounds to be used in sports programming like SportsCenter, First Take, The Jump, and more.

ill Nicky got synced on ESPN’s Monday Night Football

UnitedMasters SELECT artists get access to exclusive sync licensing opportunities across TV, Movies & Video Games -- find out how to get your song placed.

"My uncle literally called me crying after hearing my song while he was watching the game with his friends."

—Ill Nicky, "Come Alive"

Selected for ESPN's Monday Night Football

"My first-ever release with UnitedMasters, “Messin' with the King”, was synced with the NFL and broadcast on live television for the regular season within just a few weeks of distributing the song. I was receiving texts and phone calls from friends & family saying they heard my song on TV, and that was the best feeling and a truly surreal moment and highlight in my career thus far!

—Olivia King, "Messin' with the King"

Selected for the NFL


A record label in your pocket

Tap into all the tools you need on any device.                                            

Sign up now to release songs, apply for exclusive Brand & Sync deals, manage payouts, and more.

How To License Your Music For Film and TV FAQ's


If you're an artist looking to license your music for sync, there are a few things you should consider:

Ownership of the music: In order to license your music, you need to own the copyright for the composition and the sound recording. If you've written and recorded the music yourself, you likely own both. However, if you've collaborated with other artists or used samples from other songs, you may need to obtain permission from those artists before you can license your music.

Music publishing: You should ensure that your music is properly registered with your local PRO, as they can help ensure that you're getting backend royalties for the use of your music.

Music genre and style: The type of music you create will determine the types of shows and movies that are a good fit for your music. For example, if you create instrumental music, you may have a better chance of licensing your music for use in television shows and movies that need background music.


Getting your music played on TV shows can be a great way to increase your exposure and reach a wider audience. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting your music played on TV:

  1. SELECT Yourself: Start your 14-day free trial of UnitedMasters SELECT to start taking your career to the next level.
  2. Create Your Account: After upgrading to SELECT, you'll want to create or link your artist profile to start distributing music.
  3. Distribute Your Music: When you're ready, you can release your music from the mobile app or on web.
  4. Submit For Exclusives: Now that your music is up on streaming platforms, you're ready to submit for TV sync. Navigate to the 'Exclusives' tab in the app to browse sync opportunities.
  5. Licensing and Royalties: Make sure you understand the licensing and royalty requirements for using your music in TV shows. Obtain the necessary licenses and permissions, and ensure that you are properly registered with a performance rights organization (PRO) so that you can collect royalties for the use of your music in TV shows.
  6. Be Persistent: Getting your music played on TV shows is a competitive process, so be persistent and keep networking and submitting your music. It may take time, but with hard work and determination, you can increase your chances of getting your music played on TV.

These are some steps you can take to increase your chances of getting your music played on TV. It's important to remember that getting your music played on TV is a challenging process, but with hard work and persistence, you can increase your chances of success.


UnitedMasters is a music distribution and marketing platform that provides sync licensing and placement opportunities for independent artists.

In terms of licensing, UnitedMasters helps artists secure sync licenses for their music in film, television, commercials, and other media. This includes identifying and securing placement opportunities, negotiating deals, and collecting royalty payments on behalf of the artists.

UnitedMasters also works with brands and music supervisors directly to find the right music for their projects. We have partnerships with companies like Bose, Pepsi, State Farm, and Diageo, which allow us to provide placement opportunities to our artists.


The amount that TV networks pay to license music varies depending on several factors such as the type of TV show, the type of music, the length of the music usage, and the specific rights being licensed.

For example, a popular prime-time network TV show may pay more to license music than a cable TV show with a smaller budget. The type of music being licensed can also impact the licensing fee, with popular or well-known songs typically commanding higher fees than lesser-known or independent music.

It's difficult to provide an exact figure for the amount that TV shows pay to license music, as it can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each license. On average, licensing fees for TV shows can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the factors mentioned above.

It's important for artists to understand the licensing and royalty requirements for using their music in TV shows, and to work with a licensing specialist or music attorney to ensure that they receive fair compensation for the use of their music.


Yes, artists get paid when their songs are played on television. The payment is typically made upfront in the form of a synchronization license fee to cover the license for the master and the publishing. Backend royalties are also paid through a performance rights organization (PRO), such as ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC in the United States when the TV show is broadcast through certain channels, like cable networks. These organizations collect performance royalties on behalf of songwriters, composers, and music publishers and distribute them to their members. In general, television plays can generate significant income for artists and can be an important part of their overall revenue stream.

To register with a performance rights organization (PRO), you can follow these steps:

Research the different PROs: There are several PROs around the world, each with different requirements and processes for registration. Some of the most well-known PROs include ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC in the United States, PRS for Music in the UK, and SOCAN in Canada.

Determine your eligibility: Each PRO has its own requirements for membership, such as being a songwriter, composer, or music publisher. Make sure you are eligible to join the PRO you are interested in.

Gather required information: To apply, you will need to provide basic information about yourself, including your name, address, and contact information. You will also need to provide information about the songs you have written, including the title, lyrics, and a recording if available.

Submit your application: Each PRO has a different process for submitting an application, but it is typically done online. You may need to submit your application, along with any required materials, through the PRO's website.

Wait for a response: After submitting your application, it may take several weeks or months to hear back from the PRO. Once your application has been approved, you will become a member and will be eligible to receive performance royalties for your songs.

Note that the process for registering with a PRO can vary depending on the specific organization and your country of residence, so be sure to check the specific requirements for the PRO you are interested in.


Television networks and/or production studios pay upfront fees for the use of songs and compositions in their programming to the relevant rightsholders for master and publishing rights. Backend royalties are usually paid to performance rights organizations (PROs), such as ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC in the United States, PRS for Music in the UK, and SOCAN in Canada, which act as intermediaries between the TV networks and the music creators when a television show is broadcast.


UnitedMasters can help artists get their music on TV in several ways:

Licensing Services: UnitedMasters can assist artists with obtaining the necessary licenses and permissions to use their music in TV shows and commercials. This includes negotiating and securing synchronization licenses, which are required to use music in timed relation with visuals, and collecting payment for upfront sync fees.

Music Promotion: UnitedMasters can promote an artist's music to music supervisors, who are responsible for selecting and licensing music for use in TV shows and commercials. By highlighting an artist's music to music supervisors, UnitedMasters can help increase the chances of the artist's music being selected for use in TV programming.

By offering these services, UnitedMasters can help artists navigate the complex world of music licensing and increase the chances of their music being used in TV shows and commercials. However, there are no guarantees that an artist's music will be used in TV programming, as the final decision on what music is used is typically made by the music supervisors and producers of the TV shows and commercials.


UnitedMasters is making it easier than ever for independent artists to land their music on TV.

1. SELECT Yourself: If you don't already have a UnitedMasters SELECT account, you'll need to create one. This can be done through the UnitedMasters website or mobile app.

2. Upload Your Music: Once you have an account, you can upload your music to the platform. UnitedMasters accepts a variety of file formats, including MP3, WAV, and AIFF.

3. Submit For Sync: UnitedMasters has partnerships with various TV networks and music supervisors, who are constantly looking for new music to include in their programming. You can submit your music for consideration through the UnitedMasters platform.

4. Wait for feedback: Once you've submitted your music, you'll need to wait for feedback from TV networks and music supervisors. This process can take several weeks or even months, as there are many factors that go into selecting the right music for a TV show or commercial.

5. Get Paid: If your music is selected for use on TV, UnitedMasters will handle all of the licensing and royalty collection on your behalf. You'll receive compensation for the use of your music, which will be paid out to you on a regular basis.

Note that getting your music on TV is a competitive process, and there is no guarantee that your music will be selected. However, by partnering with UnitedMasters, you'll have access to a wider network of music supervisors and TV networks, increasing your chances of success.


With UnitedMasters SELECT, you can access exclusive sync opportunities at no additional cost.

Start your 14-day free trial of UnitedMasters SELECT to start taking advantage of sync licensing opportunities.